Friday 29 June 2012

Bread Idli

This quick, easy and tasty dish was taught to me by my mom-in-law. Honestly speaking, when she first spoke about this dish, I was like, what is this dish gonna be like? I never ever expected that it would taste so great. But it was indeed yummy. 
It can be easily made as a quick snack or even as a breakfast some day. Just try it out and tell me how did it treat your taste buds.

• Bread slices,cut into roundels 4
• Yogurt 2 tablespoons
Oil for brushing
• Salt to taste
• Potatoes,boiled and mashed 2 medium
• Green chillies,chopped 2
• Fresh coriander leaves,chopped 1/4 cup
• Turmeric powder a pinch
• Rye for Tadka

Whisk yogurt and salt in a bowl.Fry rye in 1 tsp oil, and as soon as it starts to splutter, take it off the flame and add it to whisked yoghurt. Set aside. In another bowl, combine potato, green chillies, coriander leaves, turmeric powder and salt. Mix well. Heat a non-stick tawa. Drizzle a little oil. Apply potato mixture on one side of a bread roundel and yogurt mixture on the other side. Place the potato side of the bread on the tawa. Cover and cook till potatoes turn red. Then Serve hot. 

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