Wednesday 27 June 2012

Walnut brownie with hot chocolate sauce n cold Ice cream

 Its been a while since I posted my last blog. It was our 'little bundle of joy-Neil' who kept us occupied all around him day and night. He was born in 1st week of January and now he is 5 months old. He has started to roll-poll; babble and gurgle etc. etc. Now that I had some time off from work, I tried upon a couple of recipes which I will be sharing with you.
Also I will share with you the baby's first foods which can be useful to first time moms. I will talk about all this in detail in my next blog.

Coming back to cooking, here's 1 of the stuffs I made.....
Yes, it is a sinful walnut brownie with hot chocolate sauce n cold Ice cream

Brownies make me forget about the calorie count and I go on galloping it with loads of cold ice cream...hmm it's yummy!! Thanks to Divya for the wonderful recepie (to which I did a very little experiment). Here's the recipe for you...

Recipe source - 1. DK of Chefinyou 
                       2. Divya from Divya's Cookbook 
Flour - ½ cup
Baking powder – ¾ tsp
Salt – a pinch
Walnuts,chopped – 1 cup
Eggs, lightly beaten -2[or 4 egg whites]
Butter, melted – ¾ cup
Cocoa – 6 tbsp
Sugar – 1 cup
Vanilla extract – ½ tsp

  1. Preheat Oven 350F. Grease an 8 inch square shallow cake pan with wax paper. Mix the butter and cocoa in a pan and set aside.
  2. Beat together the eggs, sugar and vanilla extract in a bowl.
  3. Mix it along with cocoa mixture.
  4. Stir in the nuts.
  5. Sift over the flour and fold it along with the mixture.Add a pinch of salt and mix well.
  6. Pour this mixture into the cake pan and bake for 20-35 minutes until risen. It will still look soft and wet but it will cook further while cooling. Let it sit to cool.
So now it's your turn to dig your teeth into this sinful brownie!! Do tell me how it was... :)

1 comment:

  1. I still remember its yummy taste :) It was just awesome !!
